Who can play?
All 6th graders who attend participating Birmingham City Schools and Bessemer City Middle School can participate in Yes! Talk to your school’s P.E. coach about joining Yes!
How do I sign up?
To participate in Yes! this school year, the following form must be completed:
Registration Form / Formula Rio De Registrar
Once the form is submitted, the parent/guardian and child will receive emails with forms to complete and sign to complete registration.
Assent & Consent Form
A consent form must be signed by a parent or guardian, and an assent form must be signed by the student. Parents can complete the consent form here (complete el formulario de consentimiento aquí). Students can complete the assent form here (complete el formulario de autorización aquí).
Form Quicklinks
“Sixth grade is a time when we lose athletes because, when they’re looking for things to do, there are no sports offered…We needed a program to address the gap between elementary school and middle school, which is why we collaborated with UAB for YES! We can PLAY.”
Henry PopeAthletic Director, Birmingham City Schools
“We want to get children physically active, moving and enjoying what they do,” “YES! We can PLAY helps keep them involved and provides interest by adding another dimension on the few opportunities that exist. An increased variety of organized sport activities will allow students to participate in getting and staying healthy.”
Sherri Huff, Ed.D.Program Specialist for Physical Education, Health and Driver Education Birmingham City Schools
“YES! We Can Play gets kids interested and excited about sports and prepares them to play on school sports teams. Our ultimate goal is that kids develop habits that lead to physical activity and healthy eating integrated throughout their lives.”
Lori Bateman, Ph.D.Principal Investigator, Yes! We Can Play! UAB Division of Preventive Medicine